Jewelry Collection Stories – Joanna of FortuneBaby – Gem Gossip

“Come for the jewels, stay for the humor & entertainment” should be FortuneBaby‘s tagline because her Instagram account is truly an embodiment of her mind and I must say it is quite fun. From Joanna’s memes which she creates herself to her dog Frau, and her latest kitchen renovation drama, we are all here for it…while also being ready to shop her vintage and antique finds. Her taste in jewels is totally wearable, layer-ready with a side of quirk and completely cool. I was excited when she agreed to a jewel tour of her personal stash and I hope you’ll read on!
“I’ve been collecting jewelry ever since I was a little girl, but it wasn’t until I started working in the industry professionally back in 2016 that I began to make an extreme sport out of it. Most athletic thing I’ve ever done :)”
“I have so many crosses it’s borderline creepy. I can’t stop! I’m not religious in any sense of the word either, but what can I say? Try as I may, I just can not resist a good cross.”
“It’s about the connection. Truth be told- I’m a really shy person by nature, so making instant connections with people isn’t something that always comes natural to me. Jewelry though, I’ve always been able to connect with- deeply. The beautiful thing is that now I get to use jewelry as a means to connect with people which is pretty cool if I don’t say so myself.”
“For my “everyday jewels” I prefer things that I can put on and never take off. I sleep in them, shower in them, etc. etc. I never really used to be this way, but with all the time spent at home over the past year my priorities have shifted I guess. I’m notoriously pretty rough on my jewelry though (have unfortunately always been this way) so my ride or dies have to be pretty durable- currently it’s the stack of necklaces and bracelets pictured.”
“My most recent and sentimental find is the “suerte” key that I got from @theoneilovenyc right when we started looking to purchase our first home a few months back. I attribute us finding our dream home solely to the power of this little charm so it’s definitely going to be a permanent fixture around my neck- at least until we’re all moved in!”